1. Good post Ludwig! I could do with you commenting on my Live Photo Gallery post and telling those who are giving me a very hard time in comments how to do this. I’ll point them to this blog. Okay?

  2. Thanks alot yar. I didn’t understand why my camera information is being removed while uploading to flickr. Now, I understand that there is a word except, which I overlooked it and ticked all the checkboxes in “Include all file details except…” section

    1. In Flickr the metadata, including tags, that was assigned before upload will not show, although it is there in the photo files. There is a site, “fluidr” which shows your Flickr photos along with all the metadata. In your Flickr web address just replace the “ick” (in “flickr”) with “uid”, so it looks like “fluidr.com/photos/yourname”. Click on the data line next to a photo, you will be surprised.

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